On Friday we had a Pet Day. I made an amazing flax bird. I went on a bungee waterslide. It made you go faster if you were lighter. I got first prize in the flax making. It had a flax bird with some flax flowers in the background. I made a cake that had marshmallows and M and Ms and mints on it. My Mum brought it to school. We have eaten most of it. It was so yummy.
From Peter:
Great writing Jordi ! A pity I couldn't come to school at Pet day but fortunately I can enjoy looking at your flax art every day ! It's great to read your blog. I will let opa and oma know so they can read it too and post comments. Also your cousins will be very exited about your blog. Well done !!!!
From Peter:
Hi Jordi,
Great blog ! I wish I could have been at school when it was pet day. Fortunately I can enjoy watching your flax art everyday ! I will let opa and oma know about your blog so that they can read them and post comments. I am sure your cousins will be very excited too !
Well done!!
Dear Jordi,
You have the first price, that is very nice and opa and oma we are praud on you.
We love you and over 7 weeks we can see your school.
We looking for ward that we com to New Zealand.
Kissing opa en oma out of Holland
Dear Jordi,
We have see you that you have the first price and we ar si praud on jou.
We look out that we are over 7 weeks in New Zealand.
Kissing of opa en oma out of Holland
hi Jordi, nice reading your blog! Do you have a photo from your prize winning day? We are so proud of our cousin!!! Hug from Dion en Yasmin and tante Lize
hi, our greatest jordi!!!
how nice to read youe blog!
congratulations, you've won the prize!
big hug from sam, jody, luc, emily, anne-claire, moniette and diederik!
Dear Jordi!
We were surprised about your blog and about your winning day!
We really want to see the winning bird!
So maybe..... your dad is able to make a photo and send it to us!
We are excited to see a blog from you! Now we can write you sometimes on your blog, so watch it!
We miss you very very much!
And much kisses and love from Holland,
Tante Moniette, oom diederik, Anne-Claire, Emily, Luc, Jody and Sam.
hi Jordi
i loved the story you wrote about your flax and cake decorating...you have great creative and artistic ability.
love mama
hi jordi its Tiare I really like your flower
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