Hi my name is Tiare and on Friday it was pet day and I brought my Adorable dog and her name is Ruby. She is a boxer, whippet , staffie, greyhound she was all dressed up in a sparkly dress, well, top it was a blue. There were lots of cats and other animals too. We had a lead, which was pink. We had activities, I went on flax making there was also card making and fruit and vegetable creations.
There were about 20 or 30 dogs there. We had a fun zone after most of the pets went home. At the fun zone there were motor bike rides and a water slide. The water slide cost 20 cents for 1 ride, for 5 rides it was 1 dollar. There was put the shiny red nose on the clown and that cost 10 cents for one go, I won this and got three tiny teddies. There was stilts for 20 cents a go. There was guess how many jelly beans in a jar too.
By Tiare