We are busy setting some goals for our basic facts learning...the kinds of records are moving from Almost Einstein to HUman Calculator and beating a High Score on MAthletics Live
We watched Charlie and Lola today and talked about what kinds of books we like to read. Here's some of our criteria...
scary or dangerous things- CAmeron no pictures- Zefa Funny, ones that I know and like, chapters- Bella No pictures, more challenging- Ezra Army people, war, space aliens- Henry dogs, cats, cheetahs, lions...Gracie Interesting, pictures, good picture with lots of detail, has to be long- Thomas Army people on aeroplanes, war, attacking sharks- Johnny Space wars-Beau Funny, detailed pictures- Leila Destroyers, army boats, aircraft carriers, frigates- Mason Friends, dogs, bugs, stories, pictures about beautiful things- Tala Richard Scarry, I like the pictures...Reuben HOW ABOUT YOU?
We enjoyed watching this clip at the beginning of the day...most people thought the see-saw would have been the hardest trick to get right for the dogs.
Thomas has made a fantastic boat from drift wood, skewers, paper and other things. It has a rudder, wheelhouse, sails, masts and the hardest bit was making the rudder.
How would you feel if you were one of the passengers on the ships bound for the Wakefield settlements in the 1840s? We got an insight during our trip to the museum.